FAQs – For DRUID Enterprise Administrators
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    FAQs – For DRUID Enterprise Administrators

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    Article summary

    What is DRUID Enterprise?

    DRUID Enterprise is a cloud-based management portal and database for organizations to track and analyze impairment DRUID scores.

    How does DRUID Enterprise record DRUID scores?

    When a user is registered with a DRUID Enterprise account, the DRUID app scores are securely recorded on their respective account on the cloud-based DRUID Enterprise portal. Users can login and access their score history at any time with an internet connection. They cannot access any other user’s scores. Only DRUID Enterprise administrators, however, can access all scores. 

    How are new Users registered?

    The organization’s DRUID Enterprise administrators can register new users in two ways.  One way is for the Administrator to create an account for a user in the portal using pre-existing identifiers such as employee ID numbers. Another way to establish login credentials is for the Administrator to send the user an email invitation from the portal who then supplies their own user name and ID. Each user must have a unique login. Once registered, the user can begin testing.

    Can licenses be reassigned?

    Yes, the number of DRUID users licensed by an organization under its DRUID Enterprise account is not allocated to specific users. If users leave the organization, or if the organization discontinues use of DRUID for specific users, the organization is free to re-allocate DRUID to other users, up to the maximum number of users specified by its DRUID Enterprise account.

    What permission levels does DRUID Enterprise offer?

    There are 3 permission levels in DRUID Enterprise. The first level  is full access for Administrators to all DRUID Enterprise functions. The second level grants access by Administrators to Managers to specific user test data tagged to that manager. Managers do not have permission to register or delete new users. The third level is for basic user access to their score history and to the ability to change their password.

    How is a user’s permission level changed?

    A DRUID Enterprise Administrator can adjust permission levels by changing the user’s DRUID role in the dropdown selection on any particular User page.

    How are passwords reset if forgotten?

    On the login screen, enter email address after clicking “Forgot Your Password. This initiates an email with a link to a form to reset your password. Administrators can also reset a password for on the User page.

    How are users invited to take a DRUID test?

    A user can take a DRUID test at any time by logging into the DRUID app with their credentials. A DRUID Enterprise Administrator can send an invitation to a user to take a DRUID test from the portal by going to their User Account and clicking “Sent a Test Invite.” Additionally, an Administrator can set up a test invitation under the “Test Schedule” tab. Test invitations can be sent to all users, specific users, or a group of individuals and can be sent at designated times and frequency, such as daily or weekdays.

    How Can Test score alerts and notification be set?

    Under the “Alerts” tab in DRUID Enterprise, an Administrator or Manager can set an alert so that an email will be sent to them if any particular test score that is above or below users’ current baseline scores.

    What Reports are Available in DRUID Enterprise?

    There are three reports that can be accessed under the “Reports tab.” The “Score Results” report provides a graph and table of all tests taken. The scores reported can be filtered according to a number of preset variables or according to variables determined by the organization. (See, “How to Filter Results” below). The “Baseline Deviation” report presents scores on a selected date by the difference between their score that day and their current baseline. The “Baseline Deviation Timeline” report presents scores against user baselines over a time interval. This report can be filtered like the “Score Results” report.

    Can I filter results on the score results report?

    Yes. From the Filter Results dropdown, select the Field, Operator, and Value to display the desired set of scores. This resulting report can be saved under “Saved View” for returning at a later session.

    Can test invitations be scheduled to be sent to particular users at specific times?

    Yes. Under the “Test Schedules” tab, an Administrator can set a date, time, and cadence. For example, a test invite could be scheduled to be sent out each weekday at 7:00 am to all users (“Everyone”), or to  specific users and groups.

    What are “tags” and how are they used?

    A tag is a data variable that can be created by an organization in DRUID Enterprise to identify or “tag” a user or group of users according to characteristics chosen by the organization. That tag can then be used as a filter applied to all the DRUID scores of the organization. For example, an organization could create a tag for certain work shifts or occupations.

    Can DRUID Test data be exported?

    DRUID Enterprise includes the ability to export and download a CSV file. From the “Export Data” tab, select a date range of tests to generate a CSV for download. The report contains each test within that date range and the user name, DRUID score, and time the test was taken.