Druid Enterprise Admin Guide
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    Druid Enterprise Admin Guide

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    Article summary

    Administrators Guide to Druid Enterprise

    Access Druid Enterprise: portal.druid.app/login


    Sections – click hyperlinks to go to that section

    A. Account Set Up

    1. Set-up Administrators
    2. Set up User Accounts
    3. Begin Testing and Monitor Results

    B. Account Management – Navigation Tab Functions

    1. Users
    2. Reports
      Score Results
      Baseline Deviation
      Baseline Deviation Timeline
      User Stat Report
      Test Status Report
    3. Alerts
    4. Test Schedules
    5. User Tags
    6. Data Exports

    CAdd-on Features

    1. Biometric Identification
    2. Anti-Cheat Balance 
    3. Forced Re-Test
    4. Auto Log-out

    D. Other Notes



    A. Account Set Up

    1.        Set-up Administrators

    Decide on testing devices

    First, it is important to envision how the test will be administered to the end users. Determine if you will use shared tablets, personal smartphones (whether owned by the user or by the organization), or a mix of device types. If using a shared mobile device, it is important to log in with a unique user name for each user. 

    Set up administrator account(s)

    Determine who will be the account’s administrator(s). Administrators can access all Druid Enterprise’s navigational tabs, monitor scores, create user accounts, and send/initiate test invites. Standard Users do not have these privileges and can only take tests and see their own scores.  

    To create an account for Administrators, first click the “Invite User” button on the main “Users” page. You can either “Invite via Email” or “Manually Create Account” to pre-register:


    If you choose “Manually Create Account,” fill in the username (required), email (optional), First Name (optional), Last Name (optional), and password (required (a minimum of eight (8) characters). 

    Select “Admin” and “Save.” After the account is active, click their name on the “Users” page which will bring you to their personal User page. Below their name, go to “Druid Role” and change the role from “Standard” to “Admin” to convert them to an Admin User.

    Note: The Admin privileges will take effect the next time the Admin user logs in to their account.

    Do practice tests

    Have Admins (and/or select Standard users) take a sample Druid test to verify that the score(s) have posted on Druid Enterprise. 


    To take a test, either: 1) Send an email invite to the user from the “Users” page, or 2) Have the user download the app to their mobile device (not to their computer) from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Have them log in to the app with their Druid Enterprise user credentials (not with their personal credentials if they also have a personal Druid account unaffiliated with their Enterprise). Have them take a test.


    Note: Druid requires first-time users to take 3 practice tests to become familiarized with the app and establish an initial baseline. 

    Note: There are two versions of the test: Rapid Druid Test (1-minute) and Benchmark Druid Test (3-minutes). For commercial use, the Rapid Druid Test is recommended and is the default. The default may be changed to the Benchmark Druid Test by request to ISI.

    Review Enterprise System functions

    The Druid Enterprise portal is intuitive with navigation tabs for “Users,” “Reports,” “Test Alerts,” “Schedules,” “User Tags,” and “Data Export.” Your ISI onboarding trainer will review these features with you.  You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the portal by navigating on your own. 

    Review protocols for evaluating test results

    Before you onboard users and begin testing, it is important to have clear testing protocols and procedures for how to address users’ scores that suggest a high level of impairment. Each organization should adopt protocols that conform to their company’s needs and requirements. Upon request, ISI will consult with organizations to recommend protocols for company managers and employee manuals.


    2.        Set up User Accounts



      1. Install the Druid app on the testing devices

        • Have users download the Druid App from their respective app store.

    1. Determine if a standard for usernames is needed

    If users will be using a username to log in to take tests, it is helpful to have a standard naming convention for usernames, such as an employee ID number or a blend of the company name and a number. This will make it faster and easier for the user to log in. Usernames must be unique and a minimum of eight (8) characters.

    1. Register users in Druid Enterprise

    Click the “Invite User” button on the main “Users” page. You can either invite an individual user to register with “Invite via Email” or “Manually Create Account”. Alternatively, “Upload Users from CSV” is available for multiple account creation. Follow the instructions on the link popup to see the requirements for column names. 

    If you choose “Manually Create Account,” fill in the username (required), email (optional), First Name (optional), Last Name (optional), and password (required)(a minimum of eight (8) characters). 

    3.        Begin Testing and Monitor Results


      1. Invite Users to Take Tests

        • There are several ways test can be taken:

           1) Have the user log in to the app directly with their Druid Enterprise user credentials to take a test

           2) Send an email invite from the user’s personal page

           3) Schedule a test invite from the “Test Schedules” page

        • First-time users will receive a “Welcome” screen. They should proceed to take their first test. Users should carefully follow the instructions.

      2. Establish baseline

        • Follow the prompts to take two more practice tests. After the third practice test, answer the two questions: “Do you believe that you are impaired?” and “Did you give the test your full attention?” 

      3. Check to see that tests are registering in the Druid Enterprise account

        • After the first practice test, the Admin should confirm that the tests have posted in Druid Enterprise. 

      4. Monitor Results

        • Continue to have users take tests on the Druid app according to the organization’s protocols. Admins should regularly review results and monitor reports in Druid Enterprise. 


    B. Account Management

    1. Users

    2. Display - The “Users” page is the default home page for Druid Enterprise. It displays the list of all users in the account. The columns on the “Users” page can be sorted. Which columns to display can be set by clicking the blue “Configure” button and selecting which columns to display.   
    3. Edit Users – Admins can bulk edit users from the “Edit” link on the top left of the page. Select the property to update and enter the content to change. This feature also allows Admins to assign a group of users to a “User Tag” property.

    • Manage Users – In the details column, Admins can act on individual users. These commands can also be executed on the “Users” page by clicking the row of that user.

    1. Reports

      1. Dashboard

    • The “Dashboard” report is a summary of all users assigned to an Admin’s account. It displays “Total Active Users,” “Total Tests Taken,” user’s “Awaiting Account Setup,” and the number of tests over baseline by two measures: Tests ≥ 5.1 to 7.0 over baseline; and Tests ≥ 7.1 over baseline. The Admin can compare lifetime results against any period by selecting the desired time interval in the right window.  
      1. Score Results

    • The “Score Results” report displays user tests in both graphical and tabular format. On the graph, the Y axis presents the Druid scoring scale (25 to 75) and the X axis displays the date interval. Admins can change the date to any interval of their choosing. Hovering over a test marker will show the user’s name, score, deviation from baseline, test type (whether Rapid or Benchmark), mobile device type, and date stamp.    
    • The “Filter Results” function allows Admins to display any subset of all user scores by creating a filter for a selected field. The “OPERATOR” needs to be defined and the “VALUE” set. To reset the display with the selected variables, select the green check mark. 

    • The “Saved Views” function allows Admins to save and easily reproduce filtered results. Click the drop-down list, name the view you wish to save, then click “Save Current View.” Any view saved can be deleted. 

    1. Baseline Deviation

    • The “Baseline Deviation” report displays a bar chart of the test scores taken on a single given date by user, with its deviation from baseline. 
      1. Baseline Deviation Timeline

    • The “Baseline Deviation Timeline” report displays each test taken over a time interval, similar to the Score Results report. However, the Y axis on the graph shows the test result against the baseline for all users represented by the zero line. This report allows you to quickly see the score outliers that have deviated significantly from their baseline. Similar to the Score Result report, hovering with your cursor over the test marker will display information about the user and the test.
      1. User Stat Report

    • The “User Stat Report” is a chart of all the users assigned to an Admin. It presents their score results in rows and columns. Columns can be sorted. Which columns to display can be set using the “Configure” button. The lifetime total user scores are displayed on the left side, while the Admin can select a time interval on the right side against which to compare and display. This report includes a “Ready Score” which is the percent of test scores within a set threshold. The default threshold is 5 points but can be changed to any number. This report is helpful to quickly see which users are staying within a set range of their baseline.    
      1. Test Status Report
    • The “Test Status Report” provides a count of which users have taken, or not taken, tests over any time interval as set by the Admin. The report can be filtered by names or by Tags. 
    • The “Show users” button will show the users in that category. Admins can then send a test invite to one or more of those users. Test invites can be by email, in-app, or text. A message included in the invite can be edited by the Admin. 
    • The “Saved Views” button is similar to the same button in the other reports. Admins can save a view that they have filtered allowing them to return to it quickly in the future without having to recreate it. 
    1. Alerts

    • Admins can set alerts to receive notices of users with score levels compared to their baselines. Admins can be notified by email and/or in-app message. 
    • To create an alert, admins can select the users to get alerts when a user’s score exceeds a set threshold above their baseline. Once the user name or group is selected, click “+add this alert.” The alert will remain active until it is deleted. 
    • Alerts set by Admins will only be sent exclusively to their attention. 
    1. Test Schedules

    • Admins can create test schedules that will automatically send invitations to their users. To create a test schedule, Admins need to select its start date and time, by time zone, and according to a cadence. The test invitations can be sent daily, weekly, monthly, for workdays, and to repeat or not repeat. 
    • Admins need to select which users should be invited for that schedule. The selection can be for an individual user, a group of users, or randomly in an amount set by the Admin.  

    • Admins can then select how to send the invite. This can be by email, in-app, or text. Once the admin clicks “+Add this testing schedule,” it will remain active until deleted. 

    • The subject line for email reminders will, by default, state the name of the organization and that the user has been invited to take an impairment test. Inside the email, there is a link to start testing. When clicking the line, users should always use a mobile device.

    1. User Tags

    2. “User Tags” are additional pieces of metadata (“fields”) that can be associated with users and are created by Admins. Use Tags to filter reports or analyze test results across the organization. Common tags include: "Work Location," "Gender," "Date of Birth" or any other data the organization enters into the system and wishes to track
    3. Tags require a tag name and type of information, such as date, number, or a set of keywords. Tags can be edited and deleted. 

    4. Note: Use caution in deleting tags as the data associated with the tag will also be deleted from the user’s record. 

    5. Data Exports

    • Click the “Data Export” tab to create a CSV formatted file of test data from a desired date range. The export will include each test with the timestamp, username, score, user baseline at that time, and any Tags they are associated with. 


    C. Add-on Features

    Druid Enterprise has additional features available upon request. 
    1. Auto Log-out

    • This feature, when turned on, automatically logs the user out of the Druid App once a test is taken. The purpose of this feature is to prevent users from taking the test under another user’s account when the organization is using shared devices. This setting is account-wide and once set, will force users to log in for each test. 
    1. Forced Re-Test

    • The Forced Re-test feature is intended to give users an immediate second chance to score within their normal range. It is triggered automatically under two circumstances. (1) if the app suspects a user of cheating (see below), or (2) if a user’s score is significantly above their baseline. This is sometimes caused by user inadvertence, inattention, or interruption when taking the test. The retest is meant to rectify this error without involving the Admin. The user must complete the re-test within 3 minutes. 
    • If the user does not retest in this amount of time, the test will display the score in Druid Enterprise. If the user does retest in the required time, the new score will display and the prior test will show “retest” on their user page. 
    1. Biometric Identification

    • This feature requires users to identify themselves with the biometric measure - passcode, fingerprint or facial ID - resident in their mobile device. 
    • If the user bypasses or fails the biometric identification, they can still take a test but the posted score will appear in Druid Enterprise with a red flag, noting “Flagged for failed biometrics.” The usual course of action concerning a user failing biometrics, suspected of cheating, or with a consistently elevated score would be to have the user re-take the test in front of a supervisor or other designated individual, in person or by video.
    1. Anti-Cheat Balance 

    • The Anti-Cheat Balance feature is designed to prevent users from doing the balance task incorrectly. Tests that do not conform to a user’s pattern of scores will result in the score being posted on the users page with a red flag noting “Flagged for suspicion of cheating.”

    Other Notes

    • Support – Impairment Science is available to resolve issues and problems, or provide help, with the Druid Enterprise system. Contact: support@impairmentscience.com or call 617-612-5800.